Southern Right Whale dolphins are pelagic, remaining in deep waters normally colder than 20°C (70°F). They are circumpolar ranging between 40°S and 55°S.
Southern Right Whale dolphins have slender bodies and no fin. They are a striking black and white with black upperparts and white beneath. The small flippers are mostly white and flukes are pale grey. They have short beaks, set away from the melon by a crease and 37 to 54 pairs of teeth in both upper and lower jaws. Males can grow to 2.9m (9.75 ft.), females to 2.28m (7.5ft)
They swim very fast, moving in a series of bouncing leaps.
The Falkland Islands Marine Mammals Ordinance 1992 protects all marine mammals in all waters, from the coast to the edge of the economic exclusion zone.
Sources include: Sea Mammals of the World-Randall R. Reeves, Brent S. Steware, Phillip J Clapham, James A Powell,Falkland Islands State of the Environment Report 2008 Otley H, Munro G, Clausen A, Ingham B. Wikipedia, Falklands Conservation,, A Field Guide to the Wildlife of The Falkland Islands and South Georgia - Ian J Strange
Photographic credits: Circumnavigation/
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